OGNL Language Guide


翻译自Apache 官网 OGNL的语言指南。

Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL) is an open-source Expression Language (EL) for Java, which, while using simpler expressions than the full range of those supported by the Java language, allows getting and setting properties (through defined setProperty and getProperty methods, found in JavaBeans), and execution of methods of Java classes. It also allows for simpler array manipulation.

Wikipedia OGNL

对象图导航语言(OGNL)是 Java 的开源表达式语言(EL),它是所有 Java 语言支持范围中最简单的表达式,它允许获取和设置属性(通过 JavaBeans 中定义的 setProperty 和 getProperty 方法)以及执行 Java 类的方法。它还允许更简单的数组操作。


Basic OGNL expressions are very simple. The language has become quite rich with features, but you don’t generally need to worry about the more complicated parts of the language: the simple cases have remained that way. For example, to get at the name property of an object, the OGNL expression is simply name. To get at the text property of the object returned by the headline property, the OGNL expression is headline.text.

基础的 OGNL 表达式非常简单,虽然该语言现在的特性已经变得非常丰富,但是你通常不需要担心语言中更复杂的部分:简单的情况下跟之前是一样的。例如:要获取对象的 name 属性,OGNL 的表达式就是简单的 name。要获取 headline 属性中的文本对象,OGNL 的表达式就是 headline.text。

What is a property? Roughly, an OGNL property is the same as a bean property, which means that a pair of get/set methods, or alternatively a field, defines a property (the full story is a bit more complicated, since properties differ for different kinds of objects; see below for a full explanation).

什么是属性呢?大致来讲,OGNL 的属性跟 bean 对象的属性是完全相同的,这意味着一对 get/set 方法或者一个字段定义了一个属性(完整的情况会更加复杂,因为对象有不同类型的属性,详见下文的解释)。

The fundamental unit of an OGNL expression is the navigation chain, usually just called “chain.” The simplest chains consist of the following parts:

OGNL 表达式的基本单元是导航链,简称:“链”,最简单的链由下面几部分组成:

Expression Element PartExample
Property nameslike the name and headline.text examples above
Method CallshashCode() to return the current object’s hash code
Array Indiceslisteners[0] to return the first of the current object’s list of listeners
属性名称上方举例的 name 和 headline.text
方法调用hashCode() 返回当前对象的哈希值
数组索引listeners[0] 返回 listeners 列表中的第一个对象

All OGNL expressions are evaluated in the context of a current object, and a chain simply uses the result of the previous link in the chain as the current object for the next one. You can extend a chain as long as you like. For example, this chain:

所有 OGNL 表达式都在当前对象的上下文中求值,链中使用前一个链的返回结果作为当前链的当前对象,也就是支持链式调用,你想把链拉多长都可以,例如,下面这条链:


This expression follows these steps to evaluate:


  • extracts the name property of the initial, or root, object (which the user provides to OGNL through the OGNL context);
  • calls the toCharArray() method on the resulting String;
  • extracts the first character (the one at index 0) from the resulting array;
  • gets the numericValue property from that character (the character is represented as a Character object, and the Character class has a method called getNumericValue());
  • calls toString() on the resulting Integer object. The final result of this expression is the String returned by the last toString() call.

  • 提取初始对象或根对象(root)(用户通过 OGNL 上下文传递给 OGNL)的 name 属性
  • 在返回的结果字符串上调用 toCharArray() 方法
  • 从返回的结果数组中提取第一个字符(索引为 0 的字符)
  • 从这个字符中获取 numericValue 属性(字符代表 Character 对象,Character 类有一个方法叫 getNumericValue())。
  • 在返回结果的 Integer 对象上调用 toString() 方法。这个表达式最终的返回结果是 toString() 方法的返回的字符串。

Note that this example can only be used to get a value from an object, not to set a value. Passing the above expression to the Ognl.setValue() method would cause an InappropriateExpressionException to be thrown, because the last link in the chain is neither a property name nor an array index.

请注意,这个示例只能用于从对象中获取值,而不能用于设置值。将上述表达式传递给 Ognl.setValue() 方法将会抛出 InappropriateExpressionException 异常,因为链中的最后一个链接并不是属性名,也不是数组索引。

This is enough syntax to do the vast majority of what you ever need to do.



This section outlines the details the elements of OGNL’s expressions.

本章将详细介绍 OGNL 表达式的各种细节。


OGNL has the following kinds of constants:

OGNL 有以下几种常量:

  • String literals, as in Java (with the addition of single quotes): delimited by single- or double-quotes, with the full set of character escapes;
  • Character literals, also as in Java: delimited by single-quotes, also with the full set of escapes;
  • Numeric literals, with a few more kinds than Java. In addition to Java’s ints, longs, floats and doubles, OGNL lets you specify BigDecimals with a “b” or “B” suffix, and BigIntegers with an “h” or “H” suffix (think “huge”—we chose “h” for BigIntegers because it does not interfere with hexadecimal digits);
  • Boolean (true and false) literals;
  • The null literal.

  • 字符串字面值,如在 Java (另增加单引号)中:由单引号或双引号包裹,并且带有完整的转义集;
  • 字符字面量,也和 Java 中一样:被单引号分割,也带有全套的转义;
  • 数字字面值,比 Java 中多了一些类型,除了 Java 中的整型、长型、浮点数和双精度浮点数外,OGNL 还允许你指定带有 “b” 或 “b” 后缀的 BigDecimals,以及带有 “h” 或 “h” 后缀的 BigIntegers(考虑 “huge” ——我们选择 “h” 表示 BigIntegers,因为它并不会干扰十六进制数字);
  • 布尔(真和假)字面值;
  • 空文字。

Referring to Properties(引用属性)

OGNL treats different kinds of objects differently in its handling of property references. Maps treat all property references as element lookups or storage, with the property name as the key. Lists and arrays treat numeric properties similarly, with the property name as the index, but string properties the same way ordinary objects do. Ordinary objects (that is, all other kinds) only can handle string properties and do so by using “get” and “set” methods (or “is” and “set”), if the object has them, or a field with the given name otherwise.

OGNL 在处理属性引用时以不同的方式对待不同类型的对象。使用属性名将所有属性映射为对象进行查找或存储。列表和数组使用同样的方式用索引(index)作为属性名处理数字属性。而处理字符串属性的方式与普通对象相同,普通对象(即所有其他类型的对象)如果有 “get” 和 “set” 方法(或 “is” 和 “set”),则只能通过使用处理字符串属性,如果没有则使用给定的字段名称处理字符串属性。

Note the new terminology here. Property “names” can be of any type, not just Strings. But to refer to non-String properties, you must use what we have been calling the “index” notation. For example, to get the length of an array, you can use this expression:

注意这里的新术语。属性 “name” 可以是任何类型,而不仅仅是字符串。但是要引用非字符串属性,必须使用我们一直称为 “index” 的符号。例如,要获取一个数组的长度,你可以使用这个表达式:


But to get at element 0 of the array, you must use an expression like this:

但是要获取数组的第 0 个元素,你必须使用这样的表达式:


Note that Java collections have some special properties associated with them.

注意,Java 集合有一些与之关联的特殊属性。


As discussed above, the “indexing” notation is actually just property reference, though a computed form of property reference rather than a constant one.

如上所述,“indexing” 表示法实际上只是属性引用,尽管是一种计算形式的属性引用,而不是常数形式。

For example, OGNL internally treats the “array.length” expression exactly the same as this expression:

例如,OGNL 在内部处理 “array.length” 表达式与这个表达式完全相同:


And this expression would have the same result (though not the same internal form):


array["len" + "gth"]

Array and List Indexing(数组和列表索引)

For Java arrays and Lists indexing is fairly simple, just like in Java. An integer index is given and that element is the referrent. If the index is out of bounds of the array or List and IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown, just as in Java.

对于 Java 数组(arrays)和列表(Lists)来说索引(indexing)相当简单,和在 Java 中一样,给出一个整数索引就能的到元素的引用对象。如果索引超出数组或列表的边界,则抛出 IndexOutOfBoundsException 异常,也和 Java 中一样。

JavaBeans Indexed Properties(JavaBeans 索引属性)

JavaBeans supports the concept of Indexed properties. Specifically this means that an object has a set of methods that follow the following pattern:

JavaBeans 也支持索引属性的概念。具体来说,这意味着一个对象会有一组遵循以下模式的方法:

  • public PropertyType[] getPropertyName();
  • public void setPropertyName(PropertyType[] anArray);
  • public PropertyType getPropertyName(int index);
  • public void setPropertyName(int index, PropertyType value);

OGNL can interpret this and provide seamless access to the property through the indexing notation. References such as

OGNL 可以解释这一点,并通过索引符号提供对属性的无缝访问。


are automatically routed through the correct indexed property accessor (in the above case through getSomeProperty(2) or setSomeProperty(2, value)). If there is no indexed property accessor a property is found with the name someProperty and the index is applied to that.

诸如此类的引用会自动通过正确的索引属性访问器进行路由(在上述情况下通过 getSomeProperty(2) 或 setSomeProperty(2, value))。 如果没有索引属性访问器,则会找到名为 someProperty 的属性,并将索引应用于该属性。

OGNL Object Indexed Properties(OGNL 对象索引属性)

OGNL extends the concept of indexed properties to include indexing with arbitrary objects, not just integers as with JavaBeans Indexed Properties. When finding properties as candidates for object indexing, OGNL looks for patterns of methods with the following signature:

OGNL 扩展了索引属性的概念,包括对任意对象进行索引,而不仅仅是像 JavaBeans 索引属性那样对整数进行索引。 当查找属性作为对象索引的候选时,OGNL 会查找具有以下签名的方法模式:

  • public PropertyType getPropertyName(IndexType index);
  • public void setPropertyName(IndexType index, PropertyType value);

The PropertyType and IndexType must match each other in the corresponding set and get methods. An actual example of using Object Indexed Properties is with the Servlet API: the Session object has two methods for getting and setting arbitrary attributes:

PropertyType 和 IndexType 在相应的 set 和 get 方法中必须相互匹配。 使用对象索引属性的一个实际示例是 Servlet API:Session 对象有两种获取和设置任意属性的方法:

public Object getAttribute(String name);
public void setAttribute(String name, Object value);

An OGNL expression that can both get and set one of these attributes is:

可以获取和设置这些属性之一的 OGNL 表达式是:


Calling Methods(调用方法)

OGNL calls methods a little differently from the way Java does, because OGNL is interpreted and must choose the right method at run time, with no extra type information aside from the actual arguments supplied. OGNL always chooses the most specific method it can find whose types match the supplied arguments; if there are two or more methods that are equally specific and match the given arguments, one of them will be chosen arbitrarily.

OGNL 调用方法的方式与 Java 的方式略有不同,因为 OGNL 是解释性的,并且必须在运行时选择正确的方法,除了提供的实际参数之外,没有额外的类型信息。 OGNL 总是选择它能找到的最具体的方法,其类型与提供的参数相匹配; 如果有两个或多个同样具体且与给定参数匹配的方法,则将任意选择其中之一。

In particular, a null argument matches all non-primitive types, and so is most likely to result in an unexpected method being called.


Note that the arguments to a method are separated by commas, and so the comma operator cannot be used unless it is enclosed in parentheses. For example,

请注意,方法的参数是用逗号分隔的,因此不能使用逗号运算符,除非将其括在括号中。 例如,

method( ensureLoaded(), name )

is a call to a 2-argument method, while

上面是对 2 参数方法的调用,而下面的

method( (ensureLoaded(), name) )

is a call to a 1-argument method.

是对 1 参数方法的调用。

Variable References(变量引用)

OGNL has a simple variable scheme, which lets you store intermediate results and use them again, or just name things to make an expression easier to understand. All variables in OGNL are global to the entire expression. You refer to a variable using a number sign in front of its name, like this:

OGNL 有一个简单的变量方案,它允许你存储中间结果并再次使用它们,或者只是命名事物以使表达式更易于理解。 OGNL 中的所有变量对于整个表达式都是全局的。 你可以在变量名称前面使用数字符号来引用变量,如下所示:


OGNL also stores the current object at every point in the evaluation of an expression in the this variable, where it can be referred to like any other variable. For example, the following expression operates on the number of listeners, returning twice the number if it is more than 100, or 20 more than the number otherwise:

OGNL 还将表达式求值中每个点的当前对象存储在 this 变量中,可以像任何其他变量一样引用它。 例如,以下表达式对侦听器的数量进行操作,如果大于 100,则返回该数字的两倍,否则返回该数字的 20:

listeners.size().(#this > 100? 2*#this : 20+#this)

OGNL can be invoked with a map that defines initial values for variables. The standard way of invoking OGNL defines the variables root (which holds the initial, or root, object), and context (which holds the Map of variables itself).

可以使用定义变量初始值的映射来调用 OGNL。 调用 OGNL 的标准方法定义变量根(root)(保存初始或根对象(root))和上下文(保存变量本身的映射)。

To assign a value to a variable explicitly, simply write an assignment statement with a variable reference on the left-hand side:


#var = 99

Parenthetical Expressions(括号表达式)

As you would expect, an expression enclosed in parentheses is evaluated as a unit, separately from any surrounding operators. This can be used to force an evaluation order different from the one that would be implied by OGNL operator precedences. It is also the only way to use the comma operator in a method argument.

正如你所期望的那样,括在括号中的表达式作为一个单位计算,与周围的任何操作符分开。这可用于强制不同于 OGNL 操作符优先级所暗示的求值顺序。这也是在方法参数中使用逗号操作符的唯一方法。

Chained Subexpressions(链接子表达式)

If you use a parenthetical expression after a dot, the object that is current at the dot is used as the current object throughout the parenthetical expression. For example,


headline.parent.(ensureLoaded(), name)

traverses through the headline and parent properties, ensures that the parent is loaded and then returns (or sets) the parent’s name.


Top-level expressions can also be chained in this way. The result of the expression is the right-most expression element.

顶级表达式也可以通过这种方式链接。 表达式的结果是最右边的表达式元素。

ensureLoaded(), name

This will call ensureLoaded() on the root object, then get the name property of the root object as the result of the expression.

这将在根对象(root)上调用 EnsureLoaded(),然后获取根对象(root)的 name 属性作为表达式的结果。

Collection Construction(集合结构)


To create a list of objects, enclose a list of expressions in curly braces. As with method arguments, these expressions cannot use the comma operator unless it is enclosed in parentheses. Here is an example:

要创建对象列表,请将表达式列表括在花括号中。 与方法参数一样,这些表达式不能使用逗号运算符,除非将其括在括号中。 这是一个例子:

name in { null,"Untitled" }

This tests whether the name property is null or equal to “Untitled”.

这测试 name 属性是否为空(null)或等于 “Untitled”。

The syntax described above will create a instanceof the List interface. The exact subclass is not defined.

上述语法将创建 List 接口的实例,其确切的子类未定义。

Native Arrays(原生数组)

Sometimes you want to create Java native arrays, such as int[] or Integer[]. OGNL supports the creation of these similarly to the way that constructors are normally called, but allows initialization of the native array from either an existing list or a given size of the array.

有时你想要创建 Java 原生数组,例如 int[] 或 Integer[]。 OGNL 支持以类似于通常调用构造函数的方式创建这些数组,也允许从现有列表或给定大小的数组初始化本机数组。

new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }

This creates a new int array consisting of three integers 1, 2 and 3.

这将创建一个由三个整数 1、2 和 3 组成的新 int 数组。

To create an array with all null or 0 elements, use the alternative size constructor

要创建包含所有 null 或 0 元素的数组,请使用指定数组大小的构造函数

new int[5]

This creates an int array with 5 slots, all initialized to zero.

这将创建一个具有 5 个槽(slots)的 int 数组,全部初始化为零。


Maps can also be created using a special syntax.


#{ "foo" : "foo value", "bar" : "bar value" }

This creates a Map initialized with mappings for “foo” and “bar”.

这将创建一个初始化了 “foo” 和 “bar” 两个映射关系的 Map。

Advanced users who wish to select the specific Map class can specify that class before the opening curly brace

希望选择特定的 Map 类的高级用户可以在左打括号之前指定类。

#@java.util.LinkedHashMap@{ "foo" : "foo value", "bar" : "bar value" }

The above example will create an instance of the JDK 1.4 class LinkedHashMap, ensuring the the insertion order of the elements is preserved.

上面的示例将创建 JDK 1.4 类 LinkedHashMap 的实例,并且保留元素的插入顺序。

Projecting Across Collections(跨集合投影)

OGNL provides a simple way to call the same method or extract the same property from each element in a collection and store the results in a new collection. We call this “projection,” from the database term for choosing a subset of columns from a table. For example, this expression:

OGNL 提供了一种简单的方法来调用相同的方法或从集合中的每个元素中提取相同的属性并将结果存储在新集合中。 我们将其称为"投影(projection)",来自数据库术语,用于从表中选择列的子集。 例如,这个表达式:


returns a list of all the listeners’ delegates. See the coercion section for how OGNL treats various kinds of objects as collections.

返回所有 listeners 列表中所有的 delegate。 有关 OGNL 如何将各种类型的对象视为集合的信息,请参阅强制部分。

During a projection the #this variable refers to the current element of the iteration.

在投影期间,#this 变量引用迭代的当前元素。

objects.{ #this instanceof String ? #this : #this.toString()}

The above would produce a new list of elements from the objects list as string values.


Selecting From Collections(从集合中选择)

OGNL provides a simple way to use an expression to choose some elements from a collection and save the results in a new collection. We call this “selection,” from the database term for choosing a subset of rows from a table. For example, this expression:

OGNL 提供了一种简单的方法来使用表达式从集合中选择一些元素并将结果保存在新集合中。 我们将其称为 “选择(selection)",来自数据库术语,用于从表中选择行的子集。 例如,这个表达式:

listeners.{? #this instanceof ActionListener}

returns a list of all those listeners that are instances of the ActionListener class.

返回作为 ActionListener 类实例的所有 listener(s) 的列表。

Selecting First Match(选择第一个匹配项)

In order to get the first match from a list of matches, you could use indexing such as listeners.{? true }[0]. However, this is cumbersome because if the match does not return any results (or if the result list is empty) you will get an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

为了从匹配列表中获取第一个匹配,你可以使用索引,例如 listeners.{? true}[0]。 然而,这很麻烦,因为如果匹配没有返回任何结果(或者结果列表为空),你将得到 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 异常。

The selection syntax is also available to select only the first match and return it as a list. If the match does not succeed for any elements an empty list is the result.

选择语法也可用于仅选择第一个匹配项并将其作为列表返回。 如果任何元素的匹配均未成功,则结果为空列表。

objects.{^ #this instanceof String }

Will return the first element contained in objects that is an instance of the String class.

将返回对象中第一个作为 String 类实例存在的元素。

Selecting Last Match(选择最后一个匹配项)

Similar to getting the first match, sometimes you want to get the last element that matched.


objects.{$ #this instanceof String }

This will return the last element contained in objects that is an instanceof the String class

将返回对象中最后一个作为 String 类实例存在的元素。

Calling Constructors(调用构造函数)

You can create new objects as in Java, with the new operator. One difference is that you must specify the fully qualified class name for classes other than those in the java.lang package.

您可以像在 Java 中一样使用 new 运算符创建新对象。 一个区别是,您必须为 java.lang 包中的类以外的类指定全路径类名。

This is only true with the default ClassResolver in place. With a custom class resolver packages can be mapped in such a way that more Java-like references to classes can be made. Refer to the OGNL Developer’s Guide for details on using ClassResolver class (for example, new java.util.ArrayList(), rather than simply new ArrayList()).

仅当使用默认的 ClassResolver 时才会出现这种情况。 如果使用自定义类解析器,也可以以这样的方式映射包,从而可以对类进行更多类似 Java 的引用。 有关使用 ClassResolver 类(例如,new java.util.ArrayList(),而不是简单的 new ArrayList())的详细信息,请参阅 OGNL 开发人员指南。

OGNL chooses the right constructor to call using the same procedure it uses for overloaded method calls.

OGNL 使用与重载方法调用相同的过程来选择正确的构造函数进行调用。

Calling Static Methods(调用静态方法)

You can call a static method using the syntax @class@method(args). If you leave out class, it defaults to java.lang.Math, to make it easier to call min and max methods. If you specify the class, you must give the fully qualified name.

您可以使用语法 @class@method(args) 调用静态方法。 如果省略 class,则它默认为 java.lang.Math,以便更轻松地调用 min 和 max 方法。 如果指定类,则必须提供全路径名称。

If you have an instance of a class whose static method you wish to call, you can call the method through the object as if it was an instance method.


If the method name is overloaded, OGNL chooses the right static method to call using the same procedure it uses for overloaded instance methods.

如果方法名称被重载,OGNL 将使用与重载实例方法相同的过程来选择正确的静态方法进行调用。

Getting Static Fields(获取静态字段)

You can refer to a static field using the syntax @class@field. The class must be fully qualified.

您可以使用语法@class@field 引用静态字段。 类必须为全路径。

Expression Evaluation(表达式求值)

If you follow an OGNL expression with a parenthesized expression, without a dot in front of the parentheses, OGNL will try to treat the result of the first expression as another expression to evaluate, and will use the result of the parenthesized expression as the root object for that evaluation. The result of the first expression may be any object; if it is an AST, OGNL assumes it is the parsed form of an expression and simply interprets it; otherwise, OGNL takes the string value of the object and parses that string to get the AST to interpret.

如果在 OGNL 表达式后跟一个带括号的表达式,并且括号前面没有点,OGNL 会使用后面的表达式对前面表达式的结果进行计算,并将使用带括号的表达式的结果作为根对象 (root)。 第一个表达式的结果可以是任何对象; 如果它是 AST,OGNL 假定它是表达式的解析形式并简单地解释它; 否则,OGNL 获取对象的字符串值并解析该字符串以获取要解释的 AST。

For example, this expression



looks up the fact variable, and interprets the value of that variable as an OGNL expression using the BigInteger representation of 30 as the root object. See below for an example of setting the fact variable with an expression that returns the factorial of its argument. Note that there is an ambiguity in OGNL’s syntax between this double evaluation operator and a method call. OGNL resolves this ambiguity by calling anything that looks like a method call, a method call. For example, if the current object had a fact property that held an OGNL factorial expression, you could not use this approach to call it

查找到 fact 变量,并使用 30 类型的 BigInteger 格式进行转换,计算后将值作为根对象(root)。请参照下面的示例,该示例将参数的阶乘结果返回值设置为 fact 变量的值。 请注意,OGNL 语法中的双重求值运算符和方法调用之间存在歧义。 OGNL 通过调用任何看起来像方法调用的东西来解决这种歧义。 例如,如果当前对象有一个包含 OGNL 阶乘表达式的事实属性,则无法使用此方法来调用它


because OGNL would interpret this as a call to the fact method. You could force the interpretation you want by surrounding the property reference by parentheses:

因为 OGNL 会将其解释为对 fact 方法的调用。 您可以通过用括号将属性引用括起来来强制执行您想要的解释:


Pseudo-Lambda Expressions(伪 Lambda 表达式)

OGNL has a simplified lambda-expression syntax, which lets you write simple functions. It is not a full-blown lambda calculus, because there are no closures—all variables in OGNL have global scope and extent.

OGNL 具有简化的 lambda 表达式语法,可让您编写简单的函数。 但是它不是一个成熟的 lambda 演算,因为没有闭包——OGNL 中的所有变量都具有全局作用域和范围。

For example, here is an OGNL expression that declares a recursive factorial function, and then calls it:

例如,下面是一个声明递归阶乘函数的 OGNL 表达式,然后调用它:

#fact = :[#this<=1? 1 : #this*#fact(#this-1)], #fact(30H)

The lambda expression is everything inside the brackets. The #this variable holds the argument to the expression, which is initially 30H, and is then one less for each successive call to the expression.

lambda 表达式是括号内的所有内容。 #this 变量保存表达式的参数,最初为 30H,然后每次连续调用表达式时都会减一。

OGNL treats lambda expressions as constants. The value of a lambda expression is the AST that OGNL uses as the parsed form of the contained expression.

OGNL 将 lambda 表达式视为常量。 lambda 表达式的值是 OGNL 用作所包含表达式的解析形式的 AST。

Pseudo-Properties for Collections(集合的伪属性)

There are some special properties of collections that OGNL makes available. The reason for this is that the collections do not follow JavaBeans patterns for method naming; therefore the size(), length(), etc. methods must be called instead of more intuitively referring to these as properties. OGNL corrects this by exposing certain pseudo-properties as if they were built-in.

OGNL 提供了一些特殊的集合属性。 其原因是集合不遵循 JavaBeans 模式进行方法命名; 因此,必须调用 size()、length() 等方法,而不是更直观地将它们称为属性。 OGNL 通过公开某些伪属性来纠正此问题,就像它们是内置的一样。

Special Collections Pseudo-Properties

CollectionSpecial Properties
Collection (inherited by Map, List & Set)- size: The size of the collection
- isEmpty: Evaluates to true if the collection is empty
List- iterator: Evalutes to an Iterator over the List.
Map- keys: Evalutes to a Set of all keys in the Map
- values: Evaluates to a Collection of all values in the Map
Note These properties, plus size and isEmpty, are different than the indexed form of access for Maps (i.e. someMap[“size”] gets the “size” key from the map, whereas someMap.size gets the size of the Map
Set- iterator: Evalutes to an Iterator over the Set
Iterator- next: Evalutes to the next object from the Iterator
- hasNext: Evaluates to true if there is a next object available from the Iterator
Enumeration- next: Evalutes to the next object from the Enumeration
- hasNext: Evaluates to true if there is a next object available from the Enumeration
- nextElement: Synonym for next
- hasMoreElements: Synonym for hasNext


CollectionSpecial Properties
Collection (inherited by Map, List & Set)- size: 集合的大小
- isEmpty: 集合如果为空,返回 true
List- iterator: List 的迭代器
Map- keys: Map 中所有 key 的集合
-values: Map 中所有 value 的集合
注意 这些属性,加上 size 和 isEmpty,与 Map 访问的索引形式不同(即 someMap[“size”] 从映射中获取 “size"键,而 someMap.size 获取 Map 的大小
Set- iterator: Set 的迭代器
Iterator- next: 获取迭代器的下一个对象
- hasNext: 如果迭代器中有下一个对象可用,返回 true
Enumeration- next: 枚举中的下一个对象
- hasNext: 如果枚举中有下一个对象,返回 true
- nextElement: next 别名
- hasMoreElements: hasNext 别名

Operators that differ from Java’s operators(与 Java 不同的运算符)

For the most part, OGNL’s operators are borrowed from Java and work similarly to Java’s operators. See the OGNL Reference for a complete discussion. Here we describe OGNL operators that are not in Java, or that are different from Java.

在很大程度上,OGNL 的运算符是从 Java 借用的,其工作方式与 Java 的运算符类似。 请参阅 OGNL 参考以获得完整的讨论。 这里我们描述 Java 中没有的或与 Java 不同的 OGNL 运算符。

  • The comma (,) or sequence operator. This operator is borrowed from C. The comma is used to separate two independent expressions. The value of the second of these expressions is the value of the comma expression. Here is an example:
  • 逗号 (,) 或顺序运算符。 该运算符是从 C 借用的。逗号用于分隔两个独立的表达式。 这些表达式中第二个的值是逗号表达式的值。 这是一个例子:
ensureLoaded(), name

When this expression is evaluated, the ensureLoaded method is called (presumably to make sure that all parts of the object are in memory), then the name property is retrieved (if getting the value) or replaced (if setting).

当计算此表达式时,将调用 ensureLoaded 方法(大概是为了确保对象的所有部分都在内存中),然后检索 name 属性(如果获取值)或替换(如果设置)。

  • List construction with curly braces ({}). You can create a list in-line by enclosing the values in curly braces, as in this example:
  • 使用大括号 ({}) 的列表结构。 您可以通过将值括在花括号中来创建内联列表,如下例所示:
{ null, true, false }
  • The in operator (and not in, its negation). This is a containment test, to see if a value is in a collection. For example,
  • in 运算符(和 not in,它的否定)。 这是一个包含测试,用于查看某个值是否在集合中。 例如,

    name in {null,"Untitled"} || name

Setting values versus getting values(设置值与获取值)

As stated before, some values that are gettable are not also settable because of the nature of the expression. For example,

如前所述,由于表达式的性质,有些值只能获取不能设置。 例如,


is a settable expression - the final component of the expression resolves to a settable property.

是一个可设置的表达式 - 因为表达式的最终组成部分解析为可设置的属性。

However, some expressions, such as


names[0].length + 1

are not settable because they do not resolve to a settable property in an object. It is simply a computed value. If you try to evaluate this expression using any of the Ognl.setValue() methods it will fail with an InappropriateExpressionException.

是不可设置值的表达式,因为它们无法解析为对象中的可设置属性。 它只是一个计算值。 如果您尝试使用任何 Ognl.setValue() 方法计算此表达式,它将失败并抛出 InpropertiesExpressionException。

It is also possible to set variables using get expressions that include the ‘=’ operator. This is useful when a get expression needs to set a variable as a side effect of execution.

还可以使用包含“=”运算符的 get 表达式来设置变量。 当 get 表达式需要设置变量作为执行的副作用时,这非常有用。

Coercing Objects to Types(强转对象类型)

Here we describe how OGNL interprets objects as various types. See below for how OGNL coerces objects to booleans, numbers, integers, and collections.

这里我们描述 OGNL 如何将对象解释为各种类型。 请参阅下文,了解 OGNL 如何将对象强制转换为布尔值、数字、整数和集合。

Interpreting Objects as Booleans(将对象转义为布尔值)

Any object can be used where a boolean is required. OGNL interprets objects as booleans like this:

任何需要布尔值的对象都可以使用。 OGNL 将对象解释为布尔值,如下所示:

  • If the object is a Boolean, its value is extracted and returned;
  • If the object is a Number, its double-precision floating-point value is compared with zero; non-zero is treated as true, zero as false;
  • If the object is a Character, its boolean value is true if and only if its char value is non-zero;
  • Otherwise, its boolean value is true if and only if it is non-null.
  • 如果对象是布尔值(Boolean),则提取并返回其值;
  • 如果对象是 Number,则将其双精度浮点值与零进行比较; 非零被视为 true,零被视为 false;
  • 如果对象是一个字符(Character),当且仅当其 char 值非零时,其布尔值为 true;
  • 否则,当且仅当它不为空时,它的布尔值才为 true。

Interpreting Objects as Numbers(将对象转义为数字)

Numerical operators try to treat their arguments as numbers. The basic primitive-type wrapper classes (Integer, Double, and so on, including Character and Boolean, which are treated as integers), and the “big” numeric classes from the java.math package (BigInteger and BigDecimal), are recognized as special numeric types. Given an object of some other class, OGNL tries to parse the object’s string value as a number.

数值运算符尝试将其参数视为数字。 基本基元类型包装类(Integer、Double 等,包括被视为整数的 Character 和 Boolean)以及 java.math 包中的“大”数字类(BigInteger 和 BigDecimal)被识别为 特殊的数字类型。 给定某个其他类的对象,OGNL 尝试将对象的字符串值解析为数字。

Numerical operators that take two arguments use the following algorithm to decide what type the result should be. The type of the actual result may be wider, if the result does not fit in the given type.

采用两个参数的数值运算符使用以下算法来决定结果应该是什么类型。 如果结果不适合给定类型,则实际结果的类型可能更宽。

  • If both arguments are of the same type, the result will be of the same type if possible;
  • If either argument is not of a recognized numeric class, it will be treated as if it was a Double for the rest of this algorithm;
  • If both arguments are approximations to real numbers (Float, Double, or BigDecimal), the result will be the wider type;
  • If both arguments are integers (Boolean, Byte, Character, Short, Integer, Long, or BigInteger), the result will be the wider type;
  • If one argument is a real type and the other an integer type, the result will be the real type if the integer is narrower than “int”; BigDecimal if the integer is BigInteger; or the wider of the real type and Double otherwise.
  • 如果两个参数的类型相同,则结果将尽可能具有相同的类型;
  • 如果任一参数不属于可识别的数字类,则对于该算法的其余部分,它将被视为 Double;
  • 如果两个参数都是实数的近似值(Float、Double 或 BigDecimal),则结果将是较宽的类型;
  • 如果两个参数都是整数(Boolean、Byte、Character、Short、Integer、Long 或 BigInteger),则结果将是较宽的类型;
  • 如果一个参数是实数类型,另一个参数是整数类型,则如果整数比“int”窄,则结果将为实数类型; 如果整数是 BigInteger,则为 BigDecimal; 或实际类型的较宽者,否则为 Double。

Interpreting Objects as Integers(将对象转义为整数)

Operators that work only on integers, like the bit-shifting operators, treat their arguments as numbers, except that BigDecimals and BigIntegers are operated on as BigIntegers and all other kinds of numbers are operated on as Longs. For the BigInteger case, the result of these operators remains a BigInteger; for the Long case, the result is expressed as the same type of the arguments, if it fits, or as a Long otherwise.

仅对整数起作用的运算符(如位移运算符)将其参数视为数字,但 BigDecimal 和 BigIntegers 作为 BigIntegers 进行操作,而所有其他类型的数字均作为 Long 进行操作。 对于 BigInteger 情况,这些运算符的结果仍然是 BigInteger; 对于 Long 情况,结果表示为相同类型的参数(如果适合),否则表示为 Long。

Interpreting Objects as Collections(将对象转义为集合)

The projection and selection operators (e1.{e2} and e1.{?e2}), and the in operator, all treat one of their arguments as a collection and walk it. This is done differently depending on the class of the argument:

投影和选择运算符(e1.{e2} 和 e1.{?e2})以及 in 运算符都将其参数之一视为集合并对其进行遍历。 根据参数的类别,此操作的完成方式有所不同:

  • Java arrays are walked from front to back;
  • Members of java.util.Collection are walked by walking their iterators;
  • Members of java.util.Map are walked by walking iterators over their values;
  • Members of java.util.Iterator and java.util.Enumeration are walked by iterating them;
  • Members of java.lang.Number are “walked” by returning integers less than the given number starting with zero;
  • All other objects are treated as singleton collections containing only themselves.
  • Java 数组是从前往后走的;
  • java.util.Collection 的成员通过遍历其迭代器来遍历;
  • java.util.Map 的成员通过遍历迭代器对其值进行遍历;
  • java.util.Iterator 和 java.util.Enumeration 的成员通过迭代来遍历;
  • java.lang.Number 的成员通过返回小于从零开始的给定数字的整数来“遍历”;
  • 所有其他对象都被视为仅包含其自身的单例集合。
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